Meet Spencer
In his first bid for elected office, State Senator Spencer Deery was elected to the Indiana State Senate in 2022. Deery represents all of Fountain, Parke, Vermillion and Warren counties and portions of Montgomery and Tippecanoe counties.
He sits on the Senate Committees on Commerce and Technology; Education and Career Development; Insurance and Financial Institutions; and Utilities.
Deery grew up in a rural community as the son of an elementary school principal and a public school teacher. He and his wife Julia have been married for over 15 years and have made their home in Tippecanoe County where they are raising three children who attend public schools.
Deery worked in the President’s Office of Purdue University from 2011 to 2022, including service as Deputy Chief of Staff and a communications and public policy advisor to Mitch Daniels.
Before Purdue, Deery worked as a communications and public policy research aide in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs in Washington DC, as well as in the private sector in marketing and strategic communications.
Deery speaks fluent Spanish and has a bachelor’s degree in communications with minors in business and political science and a master's degree from the Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration at The George Washington University, where graduated at the top of the class.
Deery grew up active in Boy Scouts and went on to become an Eagle Scout. He credits the experience with giving him a strong belief in the American experiment, the wisdom of the U.S. Constitution and the importance of duty, honor, and integrity.
Deery has coached youth recreation basketball every year since 2017, and also teaches a youth Sunday School class. His wife Julia leads a youth organization in their church and teaches pre-school in West Lafayette.